Friday, 3 February 2012


                                                    CAPITAL OF CRIME

In this city a women is raped every 18 hours and is molested every 14 hours. This is National Capital of India- Delhi, first city of India is now first city of crime. Delhi has completed its hundred years of being capital of India, but is this what we are expecting from our favorite city?
While traveling by foot, you are being molested; in DTC buses, you are being eve teased; in metro trains, you are being manhandled; in your own car you are being murdered. Doesn’t this prove that being a girl in this city is the biggest crime ever committed?
A girl cannot step outside her house with assurance that she won’t be molested today. Delhi’s chief minister Sheila Dixit says that all this happens with girls and women because they travel late at night seeking adventure. But surely all the girls will be curious to know, what Sheila Dixit has to say about Radhika Tanwar’s case. Was she traveling late at night or seeking adventure?
When the call-centre worker was raped in Delhi, the key question was not why the Police did not respond after her friend called within five minutes for help or what the PCR van parked nearby was doing. It was: what was she doing walking in an unsafe area at 2 in the night?
Rape, always the dark side of the moon, has acquired a far more vicious dimension now, when it is used to punish urban women, as the gap between the aspiration of the have-nots and the reality of the haves widens. When confronted with it in flesh, their first instinct appears to be to acquire, and when that fails, they do so by force. It is a pattern repeated especially when faced with the outsider-it could be the North-eastern woman or even the Swiss diplomat raped.
As per the NCRB report “Crime in India-2010”, the total number of reported crimes against women has increased by around 30 percent during last four years from 164765 cases in 2006 to 213585 cases in 2010. The Crimes targeted against women increased from 8.2 percent to 9.6 percent, and Delhi has topped making it the most unsafe city in India. According to Delhi police commissioner B.K. Gupta, the ratio of rape cases is increasing every year.
As a female transcends the old boundaries to fulfil her dreams, a question arises over her dignity. Are Indian males so conservative, narrow minded that they can’t see some female to achieve success in her profession? Why they always raise eyebrows over some successful independent female?
Jessica Valenti stated in her book, The Purity Myth,” Women don’t get raped because they were drinking or took drugs. Women do not get raped because they weren’t careful enough. Women get raped because ‘Someone raped them’”.  Certainly what a girl do, wears or what lifestyle she acquires has nothing to do with being raped or molested. Her lifestyle or attire doesn’t give permission or invite anybody to do anything with her or to attack her dignity.

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